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About (AKA: Coins Asia) is a Philippine-based company that allows people to make payments online for bills, bank deposit, load a prepaid cell phone credits. You can pay or receive payment through This is a legit company that makes your transaction easier and faster.
Join for lightning speed transactions!
To pay for your online ventures, there is an easier option to get the job done. You can use bitcoin to pay online transactions. The truth is, there are lots of bitcoins in the internet that are unregulated and volatile. But in the midst of these volatile bitcoins, there is one service that is totally different from the others. With, you’ll learn that there is finally a way through to pay for your online ventures easier and hassle-free.
Coins as a reliable bitcoin company.
One question arises, “Is bitcoin really reliable?” As you read some of the users, you’ll see that they had smooth transaction and low charge of their payments. At first, receiving payment through is only limited to P2, 000 but as soon as you get the procedure as you move on to this website, you can receive more than this limited amount of payment. To fund your bitcoin wallet, you just need to send money through 7-eleven, Globe GCash, MLhuiller ePay, and SM Bills Payment Center. Just as easy as that.
TipidNation serves at their best ability to gather discounts from bitcoin charges. brings satisfaction for those who are doing online transaction. Another great thing is that they offer promotions from their website. You can also receive P50 as you register your account. There are other promo codes from but it will take a lot of effort and time just to find perfect promo codes for you. TipidNation is the one to take your job. We commit ourselves for finding different promo codes for you to look at.
How to apply for TipidNation promo codes
- First, choose one of TipidNation’s promo codes. Make sure your chosen promo code is applicable to transactions. For example, if you are planning to pay through 7-eleven, you should choose a promo codes that is applicable for 7-eleven payment.
- Next, manually copy the promo code on that voucher. You can also highlight the code, and click Copy Code.
- Next, go to to settle your payment. At checkout (at the bottom of the amount you need to pay), you will find an Apply Code button.
- Next, click Apply Code, and then enter paste the promo code.
- Finally, click enter and give payment in a lesser amount!
Stay connected with TipidNation website to be the first to grab discount!
Hurry up! Promo codes are only limited for those who use To be the first one to receive discounts, do not forget to visit TipidNation to get the latest promo codes! You can save up to 50% discounts from applying for these codes. Visit now, before it’s too late. TipidNation is always at co-Filipino sides. We want to help you the best of our abilities.